Company Statement

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It has come to our attention factually incorrect information is circulating around the internet and various social media circles.

We would like to state for the record that Blackfort Equestrian is named after the business owner’s own horse Marley, registered name Blackfort Boss. Hence Blackfort Equestrian, which is therefore not a copy of any another brand.

As many other brands do, we use Black and White in our brand image and logo so it would not clash with any of our colourful products.

We pride ourselves on our product quality and customer service. We test all products rigorously in house to make 100% sure they are up to the equestrian workload required. We have an excellent customer service policy to deal with any issues which may arise, as with any brand, returns are inevitable, but we pride ourselves on the small percentage we do receive.

We are extremely disappointed that within this industry there is repeatedly factually incorrect and potentially damaging information being spread around. It is upsetting for the team of people who work extremely hard to make Blackfort a success. We work in an industry which is close-knit, we will all cross paths from time to time and this should be without hostility.  

As a brand we would like to encourage friendly competition which should push us all to be innovative, be better and set an example for consumers within the equestrian sport. Our industry should be about empowering people, supporting each other and enjoying the one thing together we all love, our horses.

We all have a responsibility to be careful and considered about what we are putting across social media. Social media has a huge impact in influencing consumers and we should all be considerate in making sure we are stating information that is correct and informed.

We are saddened to write a post such as this as it feels we are drawing attention to negativity but we think enough is enough.  We hope this clears up any falsehoods and confirms the reasoning behind the Blackfort Equestrian name. We hope to have to say nothing more on this matter.


Kindest Regards

Molly Kaye


1 comment

Francesca Malecki
Francesca Malecki

Just to say, I love your products! Ignore the petty negativity and keep doing what you’re doing :)

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